5 Steps to Turn Data Into Profits
事实是,大多数公司都被来自组织内各种来源的数据淹没了. Which begs the question, 数据是否以可操作的方式被明智地使用,从而带来利润? For example, you have case weights on thousands of boxes of products produced each day, 但是,在转变过程中,这些数据被用来减少赠品以提高产品产量的频率有多高? You have data on throughput for how much was produced each day, but how often is that data used to drive more production throughout shifts? An even better question is, 你多久审查一次数据趋势分析,以真正推动持续改进? 这篇简短的博客将帮助你理解将数据转化为利润的5个简单步骤!
5 Steps To Turn Data Into Profits
Turn the Data into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
这个过程的第一步是定义应该测量什么才能对你的组织产生最大的影响. These become KPIs to measure and drive results with increased profits. 应该为包括安全在内的每个主要运营支柱确定kpi, Quality, Yield and Productivity. kpi可以包括OEE(整体设备效率)效率等属性, yields, availability, downtime, first pass quality, production throughput, incident rates and so many more. 建议为每个支柱确定最少5个,最多10个kpi. As the old saying goes, you treasure what you measure! We need to make sure we are measuring the right things for maximum impact.
Integrate it into a Digital Manufacturing Platform
The next step is to define a process for operational excellence. At BluWave Technologies, 我们在一个系统中推广这一理念,我们称之为POEMSÔ,即绩效运营卓越管理系统. POEMS基于第一步中提到的卓越运营的四大支柱,但也包括一种促进团队合作的明确文化, Service, Behaviors and Commitment. In addition, we define three levels to achieve operational excellence. The first level is the foundation of customer and regulatory compliance. 第二个层次是绩效管理系统的定义,其中包含四个支柱的kpi,每个支柱确定5-10个kpi. For each KPI established, baseline performance is assessed, and a target goal or control limits are set for monitoring and improvement. 然后,每个KPI都以定期的节奏进行衡量,以吸引管理层和员工来推动成功. 该结构的第三个层次和高峰是卓越运营层次,它推动持续改进. 这是在前两个级别牢固建立并且KPI目标定期提高到更高级别时实现的, attainable levels. Operational excellence can be an ambiguous term and goal. However, 对于任何规模的公司来说,整合和量化的方法都可以将卓越运营变为现实,从而转化为利润和成功.
Establish Effective Data Collection Methods
Once you have defined what data and KPIs can make the greatest impact, the next step is to decide how to collect the data. 基于纸张的系统是上个世纪的东西,绝对是最糟糕的收集数据的方式. 纸上的信息不能有效地使用或管理以优化操作. In addition, 基于纸张的系统需要花费大量时间来收集和报告信息,同时容易出现频繁的人为错误. 强烈建议将电子记录保存系统数字化,这些系统收集和汇总数据到一个集中的数据库中,可用于报告和分析. Any type of form can be digitized. BluWave Forms is one software solution available to digitize records. 物联网传感器可用于自动收集设备信息. 然后,建立拉菲2注册登录参数,保证所采集信息的准确性. 可以为统计过程控制(SPC)功能设置上限和下限目标级别. With this, targets can be defined and exceeded. 数字化记录的收集速度更快,准确性更高,功能无限.
Automate Reports and Manage the Results
一旦数据被收集到像BluWave Reports这样的拉菲2注册登录系统或其他平台, it can be reported in a wide variety of ways. 生产部门在大白板上显示昨天的结果的被动日子应该早就过去了. These should be replaced with monitors in production, 管理和休息区,提供实时结果,并在易于阅读的KPI性能仪表板上提供出色的数据可视化. 每个员工都应该能够立即看到你在做什么,并做出实时调整来纠正问题,确保每天都能实现目标. BluWave Dashboards解决方案的另一个关键优势是能够将多个生产线或工厂的结果叠加在一个仪表板上,从而促进良性竞争和积极强化. Last, 可以定期审查和管理结果,并在确定的期间内进行趋势分析,作为管理审查会议期间的输入.
Drive Continuous Improvements
Continuous improvement is the peak of operational excellence systems. Operational excellence is achieved when all four pillars of Safety, Quality, 产量和生产率在四个气缸上持续运行,同时在不断改进的文化中优化性能. 当先前的KPI目标一致实现时,KPI目标将重置为更高的级别. Success is celebrated. Employees and managers are engaged and empowered. Morale is higher. Employees stay longer where they feel involved and appreciated. And in the end, data turns into profits that allow the company to grow, reinvest, reward and retain good people.
我们鼓励贵公司从今天开始或加速实现卓越运营! BluWave Technologies is excited to enter a new partnership with Carlisle Technology to bring your data to life to generate more profits for you. Please browse our website at www.bluwavedata.com and contact your Carlisle Technology representative for more information. BluWave Forms, 报告和仪表板与拉菲2在线登录注册系统中的数据一起工作,将为您的运营和改进机会带来全新的见解. 您只需点击一下或拨打一个电话,就可以获得革命性的新方法和新见解,将您的数据转化为利润!
Written by: Grant Nichols & Jeff Chilton – BluWave Technologies
格兰特·尼科尔斯(Grant Nichols)是BluWave Technologies的首席执行官,该公司成立于2018年,旨在帮助公司聚集, 在管理系统中报告和显示数据,以促进卓越的运营.
Jeff Chilton是制造和咨询行业的资深人士,他为BluWave Technologies提供技术专业知识和战略规划协助.
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